“the way she came into the place I knew right then and there
她走进来所踩的步伐 那时那刻我就察觉
there was something different about this girl
the way she moved her hair her face her lines
她的步调 她的秀发 她的容颜 她优雅的线条
divinity in motion As she stalked the room
她踏进来 一举一动似有某种神力”
“I never knew but I was walking the line
我心知肚明 却仍踏上警戒线
e go with me I said I have no time
她说:“跟我来吧” 我说:“我没时间”
She said don\\u0027t you pretend we didn\\u0027t talk on the phone
my baby cried and left me standing alone She\\u0027s so dangerous.
她泪下而去 留我一人孑立 她太危险
the girl is so dangerous take away my money throw away my time
这女孩实在危险 拿走我的钱 浪费我的时间”
今天到场的歌迷是幸运的,因为他们先是听了一首让人肾上腺激素急速飙升的新歌《sold out》,紧接着周裕又给他们表演了一首曾经在超级碗中场秀上抬走两百多位歌迷的神级歌舞《dangerous》,可以说仅仅是这两首歌就已经让很多歌迷感觉值回票价了>> --